
  1. Must be 18 years of age to claim prize of gun or money, wholesale value.
  2. Each information card must be filled out by purchaser and returned at the time of purchase to be verified by the Fire Company.
  3. Anyone that cannot receive prize due to Federal and State law must take cash marked on the calendar.
  4. Fire Company will not be held responsible for any improper use of prizes.
  5. All numbers are played straight as drawn at 7:00pm No bous numbers or additional numbers will be honored.
  6. All numbers based on the evening Pennsylvania Lottery Pick 4 Number.
  1. All numbers can be checked on the evening “7:00pm” PA Lottery or at
  2. All prize winners subject to Federal and State Background Checks. Winner must pay $5.00 FSSF fee to PA.
  3. For calendars, or to contact us, call 570-721-3796.
  4. Winner notified by phone or mail and will have 90 days from date of notification to claim prize. After 90 days prize forfeits to Fire Company. Winners will be posted on the website monthly.
  5. No upgrading. Must take what is offered or cash.
  6. All guns must be picked up by March 31, 2021.
  7. All winners are responsible for the shipping cost of the prize won.